Yep, that's what I'm calling myself these days. Emphasis on the Big and Fat and Liar parts. I really have been busy though. Lots going on around here keeping us on our toes.
But regardless, here's the first (of many, I assure you) baby #2 post!
taken at 12wk, 1dy
(I'm still learning with my new camera... If anyone has any tips, please TELL ME!) Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 12 weeks, 5 days
Size of baby: Baby #2 is about 2 inches long and the size of an egg. S/he weighs about a half an ounce.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well, this is where things get a little wonky. As of Sunday morning I was only +2. And then I weighed myself at home before my appt and I was +5. And then at the office I was +7 (OMG! Yikes! In my defense I just drank about 2 L of water though after my workout and I think that tipped the scale just a bit) and then this morning I'm back to just over +2... So I think I'm sticking with +2 and we'll see at the next appt, how things look.
Maternity Clothes: Yes, yes, yes. As I mentioned in a prior post, this time around the belly seems to have come out of nowhere. By the end of the day I feel HUGE (even Batman has made comments that I'm bigger earlier this time). I've been wearing my maternity jeans since week 9? I think that's when I broke down. My normal pants (besides sweats) were digging into my already (huge) growing belly and it just wasn't comfortable any more. Shirts are still hit and miss. Most of my pre preggo ones went into storage a couple weeks ago (since they aren't GOING to fit for a while and I don't have a huge closet) so I'm sure I could still get wear out of them, but I don't really know since I don't wear them. The ones I left behind fit fine, just getting a little snug in the belly of course.
And I really don't like much of what I had with B. Sad, I know, but at least the consignment stores around here carry a small selection, so as things progress I'll be deleting and adding to my preggo wardrobe.
Gender: We'll find out in about 8 weeks on April 23rd. Or at least that's when the u/s is. We've been throwing around the idea of having a gender reveal party so we may have them put it in an envelope to open later with family. I don't really have any thoughts on which yet. My BIL is convinced we're having another girl. And Brynna wants a brother. And the chinese gender chart says boy. But that's all the inklings I have ;-)
Movement: None yet. I felt B for the first time about 14-15 weeks so maybe in another couple/three weeks?
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty well, other than having to get up and pee once or twice a night. I'm so exhausted by 8 that I'm usually in bed and asleep no later than 9. I live an exciting life, don't I?
What I miss: My skinny jeans. I had FINALLY fit into them last fall and wore the heck out of them. And by week 8 they no longer fit. Even with a belly band they were pretty uncomfortable, so into the attic they went :( Hopefully by next Christmas they will fit again!! And I miss waking up without morning sickness. These days I still have to hightail it to the kitchen for a piece of fruit or I'll be dry heaving into the toilet. I hope the end of this is soon. I'm ready for the "honeymoon" of the 2T!
Cravings: Last week it was bread and butter pickles- which we found out Brynna LOVES. This week it's been french fries (just like with B- and I only caved and ate these ONCE this time! Yay!).
Symptoms: Exhaustion. As I mentioned, I'm usually asleep by 9, some days earlier. Which has been wonderful for Batman and his SWTOR gaming time. He can play to his heart's content and there are NO complaints from me ;-) Nausea. Ya, this one's kind of been a beeotch. I don't think it's as bad as with B since I haven't actually puked, only dry heaves, but it sucks royally. And up until about 3 I have to eat every couple hours or it rears it's head in full force. Constipation. I've resorted to prune juice. Enough said. Itchiness. This one perplexes me. I had this same symptom when I was pregnant with our son, but it may just be dry skin as it's been a particularly cold, dry winter here. I've been ramping up the lotion and that helps a little, but I feel like I'm constantly scratching my arms and legs.
Best Moment this week: Hearing the HB. Hands. Down. I've had anxiety all week about it, even having slightly elevated BP yesterday. But once Dr W found it, it was like everything was right with the world. B even heard it and said "that baby?" It was too cute ;-)
What I'm looking forward to: Looking preggo and not just kinda fat, more energy (workouts have been KILLER lately) and NO MS!
Milestones: I think I'm almost into the 2T, right? Isn't it about 13 weeks?