Apparently I've fallen off the face of the earth once again. All you other mommies of 2+, how in the heck do you find time to blog AND take care of kiddos AND get everything else done!? I'm at a loss ;)
So here's a quick rundown on our happenings the last few weeks:
After the flu epidemic left our house we were healthy for all of 3 days.
Then batman threw his back out big time- as in was out of work for 4 days and is still having tons of pain 3 weeks later :(
Then b came down with pink eye.
Then I came down with pink eye.
Then trey came down with pink eye.
Trey turned 1 month old!
Trey finished pt (physical therapy- like brynna he had tight mouth issues) and nursing FINALLY started getting better.
Brynna turned 3!
We went to the pumpkin patch.
Brynna continued swim lessons and is set to graduate to the next level in another week! Yay!
I started a new workout program which is so far going pretty well.
And that's about it in s nutshell. I'd like to say ill have a couple posts on some of the above bullets soon, but who am I kidding? I can barely find time to eat these days. But I will try ;) since this blog has doubled as a baby book is like to post more about our goings on.