Friday, August 22, 2008

And we are off... again

So today we are headed for one last trip to the mountains before summer is officially over. We are going camping with a couple of our close friends (they are not together... unfortunately because they would be good for each other... okay maybe they wouldn't... actually not at all) a couple hours north of here. We haven't been camping in over 2 years because for some reason Batman insists that he LOATHES it. Um... why then is he SOOOO excited to go THIS time? Why is he headed up early with friend #1? Why has he been planning every detail of the trip for the last couple of weeks? hm... Apparently he likes camping when it is on his terms (whatever that means... or I guess without his parents?)

TTC is pretty much still non-existent. Still no AF. Nothing. Again not really worried about it. I'm sure she will show up when she is good and ready and I LEAST expect or want it, so I will just remain thoroughly prepared until then (aka carrying tampons with me EVERYWHERE!)


Anonymous said...

Have a great time camping! It sounds like it will be a blast!

Sorry about the no show from AF :(

Morgan Owens said...

Have fun and be safe!!