Thursday, July 21, 2011

The other shoe just dropped

It feels like the last year we've just been waiting for it to, and I think it finally has...

Serious prayers needed! Sorry this may be long and rambly... As you know, my dad was in an accident a year ago (Sunday is the anniversary) resulting in severe brain trauma. To be honest, he is a walking miracle. In less than a year he regained almost all his normalcy, including going back to work full time. While it has been a struggle at times, he has perservered. Yesterday, he was called into a meeting where his supervisor (and others) informed him they are recommending to the mayor his termination (he works for the city of redmond washington). The final decision is on the 27th, until then he is on paid admin leave. They handed him a letter in which stated all the reasons they had come to this decision and while many are justifiable, ALL OF THEM are due IN FULL to his injury and current disabilites (when he came back to work is was recommended he return to light duty or part time to ease into things, but they did not allow this and it was either full time or termination then... obviously he chose to go back to work). None of his disabilities were taken into account when the board came to this recommendation. There was a complete disregard for the fact that he still continues to have neurologic issues that damper some of his work. This is a man who has spent the majority of his life serving this city. He has worked there for 34 years, grew up in the town, went to school there and made it his goal to better the city through his job. Until his accident and resulting injuries, he has NEVER had so much as a single mark , on the contrary has been an exemplary employee, even one people turned to with questions and concerns even though that was not his job. The whole situation makes me sick... and angry. It just seems like there should be SOMETHING illegal about how they are handling the situation and my father's career and life. Sorry this is so long, but it helped to get it all out. I'm just so MAD and wish there was something I could do to fix it...


Christine said...

WOW T- this makes me angry just reading this! I think it's absolutely unfair how they are treating your dad! I'm praying for the people who are doing this so that God may soften their hearts and for you dad- who truly doesn't deserve this!

Melissa said...

That is just awful. It seems like he is being discriminated against and, from my perspective, it doesn't seem legal. Is there any way he can get a labor attorney's opinion? In this instance, I think he needs legal counsel - someone to fight for him and to represent him in order to protect his job. The whole situation seems grossly unfair. I'm so sorry, Tiff. I hope your dad hears good news on the 27th. I'll keep him in my thoughts.

Heather said...

I am praying for you guys.

Ella said...

Oh that is terrible that they are doing that! Isn't that discrimination? Maybe he should seek counsel from an attorney...? That just sucks. I'lll keep him in my thoughts! KUP!

Lauren said...

Are you sure that's not illegal? In Canada (where I live) it would be. Your Dad would either be offered modified duties, or he would be on long term disability (making 60% of his wage, through Employment Insurance, the same government program who pays out our year long maternity leaves and pays you for awhile if you get laid off).

It really shocks me that there's not something in place to prevent your Dad from getting screwed over like that.

Kitty said...

T- I'm so so so sorry to hear about this stuff going on with your dad's work. I really hope something works out. Maybe your dad's doctor can write a note about his improvement and capabilties. Maybe that would help.
Thinking of you!
FYI- I posted on my blog today! :)
Miss you, hope you and your fam are well.
:) Kitty

Claire said...

Long time reader, first time commenting:)

I feel so bad for your Dad (and the rest of his family - you all must feel horrible for him). My first thought was that someone should go to the news with this. For someone who had devoted his life to his city and to be booted out like this is absolutely disgusting - I wonder if the city would like its citizens to know how they treat loyal employees (especially ones who come back to work after a horrible event like your Dad did).

Sorry this is happening.

Elizabeth said...

Short time reader- first time commenting :-)

Is he part of a union? If so he's protected by that and should talk to his rep immediately. If not he should definitely get legal counsel and I like one poster's idea of going to the news. Lots of luck- I'm so sorry they're doing this to your dad.

~Rachel~ said...

That is infuriating! It's so hard to watch bad things happen to loved ones when there's nothing we can do :(

Happily Married said...

Holy cow the injustice! This makes ME angry, T! And it sure sounds like discrimination against a person with some disabilities (although they're slight with what happened to him they're still documented disabilities). If this does come down on the wrong side for your family I'd contact someone that can represent your dad to make sure that he is compensated fully. I'll definitely be saying some prayers for your dad and your family. ((((HUGS)))) Hun.

someday-soon said...

So, so sad...and wrong! I think he should talk to a lawyer while he's out on admistrative leave and see if he has any recourse.