My mom is in town "helping" out (by helping, I mean she mostly is giving me advice- which honestly is turning out really good- and holding Brynna. I don't mind this "help" since she never gets to see B since they are 500 miles away, although I could use a little help with the mountains of laundry I have put off doing the last couple of days) until Wednesday.
Wonder of wonders, she was able to get B to sleep in her CRIB last night. Not on our chests, not in our room... in her OWN room and in her OWN crib!!
Apparently, she had a LOT of luck with the Ferber method with me and my siblings (even though I was a holy terror- it's a wonder she had TWO more kids after me!) and both peds she works for advocate it as well. She gave us some very logical explanations as to why it works and how it works. It's all about training your child to soothe themselves if they wake up in the middle of the night (or in our case, just to go to sleep). That's not to say we didn't comfort her. We went in every 10-15 min to comfort her and calm her down.
While I did have a (VERY) hard time just letting B cry for a while (I cried a little too), we made it through unscathed. She finally drifted off around 11:30, then she woke up at 12:30, 3:30 and 7 to eat. She fell right back to sleep IN HER CRIB as soon as she was done eating and changed. OH MY! I had forgotten was fantastic sleep was like (since I haven't had much for MONTHS) even if it was interrupted a couple times! I think Brynna had a pretty good night's sleep too and I doubt this will scar her forever.
Tonight will be round two. I'll let you know how it goes, but I will tell you this: As much as I hate to hear Little Miss cry, I am SO much more stubborn than she is ;-)
Mr Ferber (or is it Dr?), you are my hero!