Here are the pics I took- she's getting so big!
She's smiling all the time now and doing great at tummy time. She has great head control and LOVES seeing the world. (I've had to change her to the Explore or Adventure carries in the K'tan otherwise she gets mad she can't see things)
She's drooling all over the place, which my dad insists is her teething (he also insists he can feel *something* on her gums) but I think he's nuts! ;-)
She's been "talking" for a while now too, although we haven't heard her laugh yet. I hope that's coming soon!
Overall, she's a really happy kid. The colic is gone (although the gas is NOT! Ha!). The poop issue hasn't really changed- she still only goes once a week or so (we are on day 9 now... I think the suppositories might be coming out if she doesn't go SOON!) but her doctor is still not worried about it, so I guess I shouldn't be.
We miss Dad TERRIBLY. I don't know if she really knows what's going on, but both times he has called I put it on speaker phone and she smiles when he talks to her. It's the sweetest thing, but completely breaks my heart :( We will see him in 20 days though!! Yay!
And one last sweet pic to leave you with:
Oh wow, look at those gorgeous blue eyes. She is stunning! I cannot believe she's three months old already - and I'm impressed that you're doing such a fine job while your husband is away. Yay!
She's beautiful, T. Congrats on three months!
Look at those eyelashes!! So beautiful. THREE MONTHS!!?!??? My LO will be three months soon, too... craziness.
I hope the next 20 days pass quickly for you!
She is such a beautiful baby, those eyes and eyelashes are just stunning. I think she looks like you.
What a cutie!!! I love her blue eyes :)
Oh shes so adorable!! =) i love those update photos!
She's so cute and she is getting big!
How absolutely adorable! I can't believe she's three months old already.
I know it sucks that Batman is away, but it's adorable that she smiles when she hears him on speakerphone.
You'll all be together again soon. Hang in there.
I love her little pink and yellow track suit so cute. She is just so beautiful.
As for the drooling, my nephew started drooling buckets at 3 months, and my cousins little girl had two teeth break through at 3 months. Hope you get a couple more months teeth free.
Wow I can't believe she is 3 months old! Very cute!
she has the most beautiful eyes!!!!!
I have to agree with everyone else on those EYES! Gorgeous! There is no way she's three months already, seriously! Time flies :o)
awwww! can't believe she is 3 onths already!!!!
Hey T,
She's turning into such a little girl, just like V is. Great pics. You're able to really capture her on film. I always feel like the flash disturbs V and we miss the moment but we're working on it! Just wait for the laughing to's so fun! My parents think V might be teething due to her drooling as well but 2 weeks ago the doctor said she's not teething yet, just drooling. Anyway, glad you are well!!! And I'm excited for you to get Batman back!!!
Kitty and V
OMG She's absolutely GORGEOUS! Happy 3-month birthday, Brynna!
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