Thursday, May 13, 2010

Isn't this fun?

Brynna has discovered two new favorite toys these days.

My chin- apparently it's the best chew toy around. Thankfully, there are no teeth yet because once that happens- YOUCH!! I can only imagine how painful it would be to be bitten. She bites down hard! And believe me, I don't encourage this behavior! Batman thinks it's hilarious since she doesn't do it to him (what, with his poky, stubbly chin and all).


My hair- this brings hours of fun, didn't you know? It's getting to the point where I may throw in the towel on growing it out. Ugh! If I don't wear it back in a pony, she thinks it's fair game- no matter how many times I tell her "No Brynna, we don't play with mommy's hair." By the end of the day it's usually a rat's nest and covered in slobber, sometimes puke and just plain gross. Any BTDT have any suggestions on getting her to LEAVE IT ALONE?! I'm desperate!


Ella said...

Oh dear, I have the SAME problem over here! With both the chin sucking/biting (and E has TWO teeth!) AND the hair pulling. Sorry, no advice, though I'm interested to see what others have to say...!

Marie said...

I don't have any advice on the hair thing since Conner does this to me too. I haven threatened to pull his back but haven't made good on my threat yet :).

Mine chews on my cheek. It's really cute though he goes "AWWWWW" while he does it so I think he is giving me kisses. It would be ok but I have a huge thing about slober so is grosses me out so much.

Melissa said...

Unfortunately, the hair obsession won't go away - my daughter actively chases me to pull at my hair. Prepare yourself! :)

My daughter was never fond of my chin, but she used to nibble on my nose when she was younger. It was definitely cute, but only because she didn't have teeth!

Christina said...

Annika has one tooth and she bites the hell out me whenever she gets a chance but it's usually my finger, arm or shoulder. She's not too into my hair though, it's mostly my necklaces she tries to pull on.

CrazyMom said...

Yup, same problem... Jessy LOVES to grab my hair! Unfortunately the only tactic I know of is to ponytail it... GL!

Anonymous said...

no advice.....but I'm gonna keep checking to see if anyone else gives you some since Riley already loves to pull my hair ..... and she's two months behind B!!

Canelaw99 said...

Sophia LOVES grabbing a hold of my hair too. She manages to grab just enough to really yank and hurt. She's just the opposite with chins though...loves my hubby's and not mine LOL No advice here, but I feel ya!! Oh, and BTW, the teeth DO hurt. Sophia has 2 and wherever she chomps down - youch!