While I am the LAST person that should be asking this since my blogging has been few and far between these days, but...
Where did everybody go?
I think I may have missed some posts that hinted at people getting rid of their blogs because it seems like half of them on my sidebar no longer exist!
I will admit that I am guilty of using G.oog.le reader for getting most of my updates from you all. Unfortunately that means that anyone who is private, I don't get to your blog as often. For that, I'm sorry and I am going to try and use my sidebar often... or at least put you on my favorites list on our home computer. ;-)
Hopefully, everyone is doing well and enjoying the changing of the seasons!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
11 months
Brynna turned 11 months old last week! Can you even believe it? Because I can't!
My baby is almost a toddler. What happened to the last year of my life?! Seriously!
Here are her 11 month pics:

As you can see, she is constantly on the move.
She is eating more and more table food. We've managed to cut jarred food down to one meal or less a day and she eats pretty much everything that we eat. We eat LOTS of veggies and fruits, so I have no doubt she is getting all the nutrition she needs. We had a talk with our pseudo peditrician in Seattle about not going the cow's milk route (because why would we drink the milk of another animal? Cow's milk is for calves. Breast milk is for babies. Too bad I love cheese so much.) and he thinks it's completely fine. We have been doing a little menu planning as of late to make sure we are all getting the nutrition we need and that has helped a lot. One of her favorite foods is bananas! She has one most mornings with breakfast and as soon as I show/ ask her if she wants one, she squeals with delight! It's the Cutest. Thing. EVER.
Brynna is WALKING! Yep, you heard right! A couple days before she turned 11 months she took her first "all by herself" steps. She isn't walking exclusively, as crawling is "like, so much faster" but more and more she's getting upright. She can walk across a whole room by herself (although sometimes about halfway, she realizes she's on two legs and gets scared. Ha!)
She is STILL in 9 month clothes. I'm beginning to wonder if she will ever grow out of them. I've resorted recently to just putting her in some 12 month things, just so she gets use out of them (see above pics- that one is 12 mo and SO BIG on her). We have a number of outfits that are for warmer weather and while it's still 90 here this week, that will quickly change in the next couple weeks.
Oh and on a side note- did you know that 9 month size is a corporate scam? So says a vendor at a local art fair we recently went to. Apparently 9 month size is really either 6 or 12 and not its own size. I beg to differ on this though as B fits in 9 mo Car.ters for example but 6 mo is WAY too small and 12 mo is WAY too big. I wanted to tell her she was full of sh.it, but she was already beyond rude so we just left her booth and moved on.
She is still in size 3 diapers. Which makes it really nice at grandma's because her cousin Roenan (who is 7 months) is also in size 3. No more diaper mix ups mid change! Huzzah!
The day before she turned 11 months we let out our Bumgenius CD all the way. They seem to fit much better now and we have less leaks overnight.
She still waves and sings and dances and kisses. We are working on blowing kisses. Right now she will put her hand to her mouth, but she hasn't quite gotten the "blow it away" part. Soon. We are also working on learning to blow out a candle! Now, if I can just teach her not to try to GRAB it first, we will be set ;-) (No, she hasn't burned herself).
We are working on lots of words, but she still doesn't say much more than "mama" and "dada." I'm sure it has different meanings, but it all sounds the same ;-)
She LOVES to read and we have taken to getting her cheapy board books at the $ store (who can beat $1 books). Then it doesn't bother me so much when she tries to eat them.
Still just the 4 teeth (two on top, two on bottom), but she's been drooling like fiend the last week or so, so maybe by her 12 month update we will have a couple more?
I think that's all for now.
Off to work on 1st birthday party planning. Yikes! There's a lot to do!! Wish me luck!
My baby is almost a toddler. What happened to the last year of my life?! Seriously!
Here are her 11 month pics:
As you can see, she is constantly on the move.
She is eating more and more table food. We've managed to cut jarred food down to one meal or less a day and she eats pretty much everything that we eat. We eat LOTS of veggies and fruits, so I have no doubt she is getting all the nutrition she needs. We had a talk with our pseudo peditrician in Seattle about not going the cow's milk route (because why would we drink the milk of another animal? Cow's milk is for calves. Breast milk is for babies. Too bad I love cheese so much.) and he thinks it's completely fine. We have been doing a little menu planning as of late to make sure we are all getting the nutrition we need and that has helped a lot. One of her favorite foods is bananas! She has one most mornings with breakfast and as soon as I show/ ask her if she wants one, she squeals with delight! It's the Cutest. Thing. EVER.
Brynna is WALKING! Yep, you heard right! A couple days before she turned 11 months she took her first "all by herself" steps. She isn't walking exclusively, as crawling is "like, so much faster" but more and more she's getting upright. She can walk across a whole room by herself (although sometimes about halfway, she realizes she's on two legs and gets scared. Ha!)
She is STILL in 9 month clothes. I'm beginning to wonder if she will ever grow out of them. I've resorted recently to just putting her in some 12 month things, just so she gets use out of them (see above pics- that one is 12 mo and SO BIG on her). We have a number of outfits that are for warmer weather and while it's still 90 here this week, that will quickly change in the next couple weeks.
Oh and on a side note- did you know that 9 month size is a corporate scam? So says a vendor at a local art fair we recently went to. Apparently 9 month size is really either 6 or 12 and not its own size. I beg to differ on this though as B fits in 9 mo Car.ters for example but 6 mo is WAY too small and 12 mo is WAY too big. I wanted to tell her she was full of sh.it, but she was already beyond rude so we just left her booth and moved on.
She is still in size 3 diapers. Which makes it really nice at grandma's because her cousin Roenan (who is 7 months) is also in size 3. No more diaper mix ups mid change! Huzzah!
The day before she turned 11 months we let out our Bumgenius CD all the way. They seem to fit much better now and we have less leaks overnight.
She still waves and sings and dances and kisses. We are working on blowing kisses. Right now she will put her hand to her mouth, but she hasn't quite gotten the "blow it away" part. Soon. We are also working on learning to blow out a candle! Now, if I can just teach her not to try to GRAB it first, we will be set ;-) (No, she hasn't burned herself).
We are working on lots of words, but she still doesn't say much more than "mama" and "dada." I'm sure it has different meanings, but it all sounds the same ;-)
She LOVES to read and we have taken to getting her cheapy board books at the $ store (who can beat $1 books). Then it doesn't bother me so much when she tries to eat them.
Still just the 4 teeth (two on top, two on bottom), but she's been drooling like fiend the last week or so, so maybe by her 12 month update we will have a couple more?
I think that's all for now.
Off to work on 1st birthday party planning. Yikes! There's a lot to do!! Wish me luck!
So much to blog about, so little time
I feel like so much has happened in our house in the last 10 days. Yikes! Has it really been that long since I posted?
Brynna turned 11 mos! Only a few short weeks now until she is 1 YEAR OLD!! Time to start thinking about number 2... maybe... ;-)
(no I am not preggo. and no we are not trying. yet.)
Batman and I have made some decisions about his schooling and life.
My dad is working really hard so they can come here for B's birthday.
So much more...
Okay, I will just do one post at a time. Brynna's 11 mo update coming later today (ie, when she's napping so I actually have time to make some sense)
Brynna turned 11 mos! Only a few short weeks now until she is 1 YEAR OLD!! Time to start thinking about number 2... maybe... ;-)
(no I am not preggo. and no we are not trying. yet.)
Batman and I have made some decisions about his schooling and life.
My dad is working really hard so they can come here for B's birthday.
So much more...
Okay, I will just do one post at a time. Brynna's 11 mo update coming later today (ie, when she's napping so I actually have time to make some sense)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Remember when...?
Remember when I told you that I had some maternity photos taken?
You know, like 11 months ago?
Ya, well I finally got them back! I won't complain because they were free and all. Plus the photog is a friend and has been super busy (getting preggo) moving.
Here are a couple of my favorite (please look past the massive amounts of stretch marks! Yikes! I didn't realize I had so many) :(. If you want to see the whole gamut, head over here.

You know, like 11 months ago?
Ya, well I finally got them back! I won't complain because they were free and all. Plus the photog is a friend and has been super busy (getting preggo) moving.
Here are a couple of my favorite (please look past the massive amounts of stretch marks! Yikes! I didn't realize I had so many) :(. If you want to see the whole gamut, head over here.

Thursday, September 16, 2010
I really hate it when people lie to your face. Especially when it's about something stupid. And when they know, that you know they are lying. I mean, what's the point? Seriously!
I think I've blogged about this before, but it really bothers me...
I think I've blogged about this before, but it really bothers me...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Weekend fun! With pictures! And VIDEOS!
The last 4 days have been a whirlwind around here! Thursday night started the "official" start of the cheer season as we had tryout clinics, then again on Friday with the tryout and decision on Saturday. Here's B and I Saturday morning before we headed out:
I'm pretty excited about this year as a) I am officially the head coach (no more just assistant or pseudo-head coach like the last couple years) b) I have a big squad this year = more stunting! c) I have 5 guys this year so far (with hopefully 2 more coming soon) and d) it's just really fun hanging out with a bunch of college kids... keeps me young ;-) Sunday we went out to the base for the annual family day festivities Here's Batman and Miss when we first arrived (and my FIL in the background):
And the 3 of us after lunch in front of one of the A-10s:
And here's a video of Batman getting pied in the face. CFC puts on a fundraiser every year to benefit some local charities between now and Christmas (Red Cross, Humane Society, etc). Batman went for $500 if you can believe it, which was the 3rd highest of the day!
Sorry it's so dark. That's what I get for using my phone (and refusing to move for better lighting) Haha! Sunday night we also had my new team over for welcome dinner/ get-to-know-you session. It was a good time too!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! And here's what Beamer has been up to this morning so far:

Sorry it's so dark. That's what I get for using my phone (and refusing to move for better lighting) Haha! Sunday night we also had my new team over for welcome dinner/ get-to-know-you session. It was a good time too!

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Took the plunge
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Great Debate
To cut or not to cut. That is the question.
I have a hair cut later today and I'm torn. I've been trying to grow my hair out FOR. EVER. (Seriously, my hair grows at a snails pace)
But I think I may be ready for a change.
I'm kind of tired of growing it out. I'm tired of it not having any style.
But I'm afraid if I cut it, I'll regret it. Like I almost always do. And then I will be back to square one, growing it out again.
I'm at an impass.
So do I cut it? Or just trim?
Maybe I should go back to bangs? It wouldn't be red (which I LOVED btw- damn Batman for making me go blonde) but it would be a change. And maybe enough to keep me from cutting off all the length that I have spent the better part of the last 3 years growing?
I have a hair cut later today and I'm torn. I've been trying to grow my hair out FOR. EVER. (Seriously, my hair grows at a snails pace)
But I think I may be ready for a change.
I'm kind of tired of growing it out. I'm tired of it not having any style.
But I'm afraid if I cut it, I'll regret it. Like I almost always do. And then I will be back to square one, growing it out again.
I'm at an impass.
So do I cut it? Or just trim?
Maybe I should go back to bangs? It wouldn't be red (which I LOVED btw- damn Batman for making me go blonde) but it would be a change. And maybe enough to keep me from cutting off all the length that I have spent the better part of the last 3 years growing?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Game 1
Yesterday was game day and we were ready:

I have to say, I was sweating it pretty bad through the 3rd and 4th quarter, but my boys pulled through.
Just like they always do.
Aww ya! Victory is sweet!
PS- I made this bow for Miss for the game.
I sent the pic to my mom and she said the reason that she looks so unhappy is because she looks better in purple and gold. I don't think so! I had to laugh though ;-)

I have to say, I was sweating it pretty bad through the 3rd and 4th quarter, but my boys pulled through.
Just like they always do.
Aww ya! Victory is sweet!
PS- I made this bow for Miss for the game.

Sunday, September 5, 2010
It's official. I turned 29 yesterday. Blah!
But at least Batman made the day really fantastic!
First he took me out to breakfast (we are all about high class). Then we went for a bike ride on the greenbelt.

Then we relaxed at home until friends and family came over for some cake and ice cream and games.
And he got me these babies:

Well, they aren't the ACTUAL tickets, since those don't go on sale until the 15th. But, he did a great job (made them himself) and I get to choose WHEREVER I want to sit!! Woot! And my IL are keeping miss... maybe even all night (if I can muster up the courage to be separated from my child for that long... we will see)!
I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful hubby. And such a special baby girl.
But at least Batman made the day really fantastic!
First he took me out to breakfast (we are all about high class). Then we went for a bike ride on the greenbelt.

Then we relaxed at home until friends and family came over for some cake and ice cream and games.
And he got me these babies:

Well, they aren't the ACTUAL tickets, since those don't go on sale until the 15th. But, he did a great job (made them himself) and I get to choose WHEREVER I want to sit!! Woot! And my IL are keeping miss... maybe even all night (if I can muster up the courage to be separated from my child for that long... we will see)!
I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful hubby. And such a special baby girl.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I love free!
How many people don't love things that are FREE?!
In the past week, I've received so many free things! I've been in heaven. Seriously.
Since my birthday is coming up on Saturday (and because I have endured their spam all year) I've gotten a free meal here, a free scoop here, free $10 here, free drink here, free makeup gift here...
I tell you, it's (almost) worth turning one year older.
Anyone else out there love free stuff? Any other places send you free stuff just for having a birthday?
Batman supposedly has all of Saturday planned with fun, (last-year-before-you-turn-30) birthday stuff. All I know is, I get to spend it with my two favorite people in the world! And it's my first birthday as a mom :) I'll be counting my blessings for sure :)
In the past week, I've received so many free things! I've been in heaven. Seriously.
Since my birthday is coming up on Saturday (and because I have endured their spam all year) I've gotten a free meal here, a free scoop here, free $10 here, free drink here, free makeup gift here...
I tell you, it's (almost) worth turning one year older.
Anyone else out there love free stuff? Any other places send you free stuff just for having a birthday?
Batman supposedly has all of Saturday planned with fun, (last-year-before-you-turn-30) birthday stuff. All I know is, I get to spend it with my two favorite people in the world! And it's my first birthday as a mom :) I'll be counting my blessings for sure :)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Fair!
A couple Saturdays ago we took Brynna to the fair!
It was a lot of fun and not too hot, although getting to the fair was a disaster in and of itself. Holy Cow! I should have Batman do a guest post on here and tell the story because it's a doozy!
Anyway, here are some pics of our fun :)
Batman, B and Batman's parents waiting in line

Two pigs that were TOO cute!

Brynna wasn't too fond of the pigs or the sheep... thank goodness for Dad!

She seemed to like the cows well enough!

And the rabbits! Wait I think this one is a gerbil?

This one must be the rabbit

Cute baby chics, literally just born. They hatch them in an incubator 5 feet away and once they are out, toss them in here.

This guy was hilarious because anytime anyone got near he would get up on the fence like he was smiling for a picture! ha!

Big geese!

The only fair food Brynna got to try... a sucker Ha!
It was a lot of fun and not too hot, although getting to the fair was a disaster in and of itself. Holy Cow! I should have Batman do a guest post on here and tell the story because it's a doozy!
Anyway, here are some pics of our fun :)
Batman, B and Batman's parents waiting in line

Two pigs that were TOO cute!

Brynna wasn't too fond of the pigs or the sheep... thank goodness for Dad!

She seemed to like the cows well enough!

And the rabbits! Wait I think this one is a gerbil?

This one must be the rabbit

Cute baby chics, literally just born. They hatch them in an incubator 5 feet away and once they are out, toss them in here.

This guy was hilarious because anytime anyone got near he would get up on the fence like he was smiling for a picture! ha!

Big geese!

The only fair food Brynna got to try... a sucker Ha!

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