Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A bit of a scary day

Have you ever had days that start out pretty great, but turn into a crazy exhausting mess?
That was definitely today.

Things started out fine. Woke up early with some m/s like normal. Ate breakfast and went about our usual routine. We went to practice and came home. B ate some lunch. Then went down for a nap.
Just as I was sitting down to eat my own lunch I started getting some cramps. Not real severe just enough to make we extremely anxious and post on a (private) FB page needing some reassurance that it was normal. Which of course those ladies came through and set my mind at ease.
And then things started going crazy! I started losing vision in my right eye- complete black out in some areas and blurry in others. And then I couldn't really form a thought or words. I tried to read an email with little success so I attempted to read it out loud. Fail.
So freaking out more I called Batman, who couldn't make sense of what I was saying, only that something was wrong with me. At his prompting I called my docs office. (all of this took about a half hour?)

They sent me to the ER. (had to call my fil to come pick up me and b as they didn't want me driving- plus even though I could talk again I was really dizzy and weak).

After 2 hours and a bunch of tests, I did not have a stroke. It was either a very small TIA or a migraine variant. They're leaning towards migraine since I have a history of them (although haven't had one in over 3 years) but I have to follow up with the neurologist tomorrow along with my OB (hooray that I see him tomorrow anyway) and take baby aspirin daily until further notice. Oh and I'm on a 48 hour watch for further TIA symptoms. Fun!

Batman has been wonderful through all of this craziness, taking care of me, making me rest and drink lots of water. :) he's a keeper for sure.

And now I'm beat and headed to bed.

I'll try and update tomorrow after our appt!


Happily Married said...

Oh my! How scary for you and your family! I'll keep you in my prayers that things stay on track and you get nothing but great news tomorrow. And good for you for thinking on your toes! KUP!

Shannon said...

Thinking of you and praying that everything goes great tomorrow.

Lauren said...

That's freaky! I hope it's just a migraine and not a TIA!

Shannon said...

I hope everything goes well. I was just reading an article about those types of crazy migraines - scary.

someday-soon said...

So scary! How are you feeling now? Hope you get some good info from the docs today!!!

Emmy said...

Oh my goodness! I hope that you are doing better today. Hope it's nothing serious. Thinking of you.

Coco said...

Dang girl! That sounds like a VERY scary day! Hope you getting some much deserved rest and are feeling better!