Here is this week's belly pic:

The belly has really taken on a life of its own. I had no idea I could even GET this big... and it looks like it won't be slowing down anytime soon! EEK!
Long gone are the days of even this stomach ;-) And I wasn't even in very good shape back then (5wk pic from BFP day).

Someday I'll get back there though, right? With some hard work and a good diet, right? Right? RIGHT?
I've been feeling pretty good over the last couple weeks. PT has been going great and has really helped with back pain. I am having the typical 3T woes of leg cramps, heartburn, inability to sleep, etc. but I'm taking it all in stride and TRYING not to complain too much. I know Olive is just growing like a weed in there :) (she's the size of a cabbage now?)
I'm hoping to get the tech at my office to do another u/s this week sometime and see if Olive is still breech- she was as of 2 weeks ago (did I ever post those u/s pics? I can't remember- if not let me know and I will- we got an uber cute one of her "smiling") I keep getting kicked in the same places so I doubt she has turned. I'm not too worried yet. And have you noticed the ticker? 69 days? WHAT?
I have no idea where my weight gain is these days, but I'm guessing somewhere between 25-30 lbs at this point. I'm fine with it as long as my doc is fine with it. Which he was at my last appt. That's about it though ;-)
Some follow-up on your comments- Thanks so much for liking the nursery colors and dust ruffle. I should have curtains finished by the end of the week, I think - for Erika we got the paint at Kelly Moore and the color is technically called "green shirt" as they matched it to a shirt I dyed. I couldn't find any fabric in the color green I wanted for Olive's bedding so the lady at Hancock's convinced me I could dye my own to get the color I wanted. The color of the dye is called spring green and is made by Dylon
For Jenny- the only hint I can give out about Olive's name is that her initials are BMW- hence the "beamer" onesie I made for Batman for Father's Day ;-)
You look beautiful T! I think you are the perfect size for 30 weeks. I always wonder why Batman called her "beamer" and now I finally get it, lol. I can't wait to find out her name!
You look stunning my dear! There is no doubt the nursery is going to look awesome when it is all the way done!
Gorgeous belly pic! It grows at rapid speed from this point on, so beware. ;-)
I'm glad PT is going well and that you're feeling okay. Before you know it, all of these aches and pains will be a distant memory and you'll be snuggling with that sweet little girl.
I can't wait to hear her name, I think the initals BMW are too cute!
I think you look great for 30 weeks! Makes me a little afraid of what I'll look like since I swear I'm about the same size now at 26 weeks.
Hopefully you little girl moves around and doesn't stay breech. I think I have a breech baby here too because all the kicks are really low.
Aww!! You are too darn cute. Love the belly!!
I can't wait to hear her name, I mean I really can't wait. Love the initials.
Glad that PT is going well for you.
honey, you are gorgeous. i'm literally green with envy.
okay, not green.
but envious.
I know, i know. i have three. I'm ridiculous.
just checking in with you because i have been a crappy blogger.
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