Last weekend, as stated, we got the room painted. It's basically the same as B's room (which you can see here) only the green is now gray (love <3 love!) and we painted over the verse on the wall near the crib (I'm still looking for a good verse for this little guy... Maybe from psalms 139?)
Batman and his friend also installed a fan where B's chandelier was (and yes, I did take down that awful green valance and moved the black and white curtains to B's big girl room).
This week and weekend I got all his clothes washed (btw the child has quite a few onesies and NO pants... Time for more garage sales?) and put away and started on his bedding.
Just as I did with Brynna, I fell in love with something I saw online and of course can't get (this time it wasn't a price issue... It was a homemade issue lol) so I've been making this little guy's nursery bedding too. Tonight I finally finished the crib skirt and started on the bumper (*gasp* I know I'm a terrible mother because I put bumpers in the crib!). Thankfully this time around my wonderful SIL (the one married to my bro, not the ones on Batman's side) is crocheting a coverlet for little man in the colors of his room (gray, red and blue) which means one less item to make myself :) I can't wait to see how it turns out!

(crib skirt)
I also got into the crocheting mood myself this week and whipped up a little hat for him. I'm not a huge fan of the generic hospital ones so I figured I'd make him some cute ones for our short stay.
So, some things checked off the never ending list, lots still left to do ;)
Cute hat! I wish I knew how to knit or crochet!
That hat is adorable! Nice progress on the nursery =)
The hat is so cute!
Do you have a pattern for that hat? It is so stinking cute!
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