So as you know Batman was in AL for 6 weeks going through Officer Training School (AMS for guard). He completed his training with FLYING colors (did we have any doubt?) and received this:
It's the Honor Grad award!
They only give out 1 of these awards per class and there are only 4 classes per year. Needless to say, it's pretty prestigious. It was such an honor and I was SO proud of him!! He was completely surprised, even though he had been working towards it since the day he set foot on Alabama soil. His instructor was very impressed with him, as was his new commanding officer (he came down for the graduation). Lt Col Woody (his new commander) had heard good things about Batman from his past commander (Maj Sheppard), but didn't realize what a catch he was for the maintenance wing until AMS and this award.
Congrats to Batman! What a great job.
Your Easter pic is really cute!
Way to go Batman!!
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