Friday, January 21, 2011

CD Fail

There seems to be a lot of failure in this house these days.

Recently, our cloth diapers have been failing us over night. It doesn't matter how many inserts I stuff in them, Brynna almost always pees through them and I end up doing a load of her blankets and sheets daily.

I've tried using 'sposies over night to see if that made a difference. Nope. Nada. Zilch.

She either pees WAY too much while she sleeps, or her stomach sleeping is causing the problem. I'm not sure what to do, or if there is anything I CAN do.

I'm just tired of stripping her crib everyday.

Any advice from you CD Mamas?


Ella said...

Oh how frustrating! Sounds like she's become a heavy wetter maybe? Eliza is in a disposable over night - we switched when she started leaking through cloth no matter how much we stuffed it with extra liners... but it sounds like even a 'sposie isn't cutting it for B. Hm. I know that hemp is supposed to be a super absorbent material and is good for overnight (also not too bulky)... sorry I don't have any great advice!!

Anonymous said...

We use Huggies Overnites for my son and they're the only thing that has kept him dry all night. He hasn't had a single leak in months!

Emma said...

What do you stuff with? We stuff Eirik overnight with one BG microfiber and then underneith a hemp insert. Also there is an insert called a super do that is supposed to be amazing for leaks!

another thought - have you ever stripped your diapers? I know sometimes i get buildup and then i strip them and they absorb better!

Holly said...

I'm not a CD momma, but I had issues overnight every time I used Huggies. They would leak by 12:30am, and Pampers can go 12 hours and a poop, and still no leakage.

Soooo...maybe try some different brands of disposables for overnights?

Anonymous said...

Some of the Kawaii pocket CDs I have have an extra strip of the PUL material on the inside tummy area, some reviews I read said this helped stop leaks for the tummy sleepers.
If you look at 2. Original Cross-Over Squared Tab Snap the second style diaper down and the 3rd pic that shows the inside of the dipe you can see the colored PUL on the inside, this along with your best stuffers might do the trick, and the diapers are cheap too! Since my baby isnt here yet I havent actually used these diapers but I hear nothing but good things and from what I can see they seem to be good quality. They also have a Goodnite Heavy Wetter diaper too, but I dont have any to tell you anything about those ones. Goodluck!!

Anonymous said...

Some of the Kawaii pocket CDs I have have an extra strip of the PUL material on the inside tummy area, some reviews I read said this helped stop leaks for the tummy sleepers.
If you look at 2. Original Cross-Over Squared Tab Snap the second style diaper down and the 3rd pic that shows the inside of the dipe you can see the colored PUL on the inside, this along with your best stuffers might do the trick, and the diapers are cheap too! Since my baby isnt here yet I havent actually used these diapers but I hear nothing but good things and from what I can see they seem to be good quality. They also have a Goodnite Heavy Wetter diaper too, but I dont have any to tell you anything about those ones. Goodluck!!

Melissa said...

I'm not a cloth diapering momma, but Adrienne used to soak through her disposable diapers every single night. We put her in Pampers Extra Protection diapers before bed and we haven't had a leak since. I don't know if you're willing to try disposables again, but if you are, give the Pampers Extra Protection ones a shot. Good luck!

Kitty said...

Here's our night time solution for my heavy wetter: Diaper stuffed with 1 microfiber insert and 2 hemp inserts behind it! WAAAA LAAA!!! Joey bunz hemp inserts are awesome! Or the happy heiny hemp inserts with stuffins. We only use Fuzzi Bunz diapers at night and size medium for V. They are too big for day but work great at night with all our inserts stuffed in them!

Don't give up. She may also be growing and you need to adjust size or snaps/velcro.

Hope that helps!

Christina said...

I don't CD but we have the same issue with Annika it must be a phase for the age or something. For us we went up a size but that's disposibles, hopefully you find a soultion! I know what a pain it can be to strip a crib every night!

~Rachel~ said...

Also not a CD mom - but we had to switch to Huggies Overnights, and go up a size, and that usually keeps H clean all night. Sometimes his PJ's will be a little wet, but never enough to have to change the sheets anymore! Hope you experiment and find something that works for you!!

Christine said...

No CDing here- but we were having the exact same problem and I was getting tired of washing sheets every. single. day.- we switched to Huggies Overnites and have not had a problem since!!! Lyla also sleeps on her stomach and we still haven't had a leak!