Thursday, January 6, 2011

AF maybe?

Has the witch finally returned after a {almost} 2 year hiatus?

I have little to no experience with the IUD other than having one for the last year. At the time of "insertion" (is that the right term... sounds weird) my doc said I might not get AF until I get it taken out. Since the leaving of post baby bleeding, I haven't had any visits other than the occasional spotting after DTD *ahem* vigorously.

So here's my question- what's your experience with IUD and AF? I was rather enjoying a life free of AF for a while, but she seems to be returning. It's not heavy by any means (which is the norm for me), but still a nuisance. I need a little advice from some BTDT!


someday-soon said...

No personal experience but a good friend has one and has regular visits from AF...

Shannon said...

I've had the Mirena for three years now and get AF every month like normal, but it's very light. I was hoping it would go away, but it hasn't yet.

Mama Bear said...

I have the Mirena and I get a 2 day event of light spotting. But I still get the sore boobs and light cramps a few days before...I got mine in May of 2008 put in and they (AF) have ever so slowly tapperd off to 2 days. Its started as 4 days of spotting but now only 2. Without BC I would have a 5 day long AF with heavy, medium and then light bleeding on top of horrid cramps and sore boobs so I am not complaining about this 2 day spotting stuff! LOL ;o)

Melissa said...

No advice with the IUD, but WOW for having avoided AF for 2 years. Jealous!